Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'd Just Like to Thank...

Dreaming about Australian boys...I mean burlesque!
This past Friday, I performed for the last time until I do not know when. The burlesque season is soon wrapping up and I am off for fun in the sun in Australia for 2 whole months. Now, this seems like the perfect time to reflect (insert memory flashback Saved by the Bell style).

It's unbelievable to me how fast I fell in love with burlesque. I was kind of known for having a hobby of collecting hobbies and I've never 'stuck' to anything as much as I have stuck to burlesque.

Throughout the years I have dabbled in everything from karate to pole dancing from cooking classes to musical theatre and although I was actively looking for something to be passionate about I never found it - until I found burlesque. It's strange to think that only since graduating Becoming Burlesque in November have I been exposed to this amazing community full of fabulous people, great shows and eclectic opportunities.

Specifically, I want to thank Screaming Chicken and Melody Mangler for offering so many volunteer and performing opportunities and for introducing me to many new friends. To The VanDolls who have shared this experience from the start... this is only the beginning! And to anyone who has given me any opportunity to perform and volunteer - thanks! Also, thanks to all the new friends.... I don't think I've been hugged so much in my life!

I hope to not totally opt out of burlesque while I'm in Australia. I am planning to see some shows and take some classes and expose myself to a different burlesque scene. Hopefully I can pick up a few tips and tricks from the gals down under.

I am so grateful that I discovered burlesque and I can't wait to take these few months off to create some mind blowing routines. I promise you I will not get back on that stage until I have something awe-inspiring to show. Rufflesilkskin loves you.

The Burlesque Marathon Calendar